What To Expect During a Laser Fungus Removal Session

Discoloration, yellowing, or thickening of the toenails are often signs of a fungal infection. It is important to seek treatment because toenail fungus does not go away on its own. Additionally, treatment helps prevent the fungal infection from spreading. Dr. Tony Avakian, the experienced podiatrist at Valencia Foot and Ankle Center in Valencia, CA, offers laser nail fungus treatment to restore the health of your toenails.

Causes of Nail Fungus

Various factors increase the likelihood of developing toenail fungus. Some causes include:

  • Not keeping the feet clean and dry
  • Not removing sweaty or wet socks and shoes right away
  • Walking barefoot in damp areas, such as locker rooms or public pools
  • Direct contact with another person who has toenail fungus
  • Sharing nail clippers and other pedicure tools
  • A weakened immune system

Signs of Nail Fungus

There are several signs and symptoms of a fungal infection on the nails. Common symptoms include:

  • Yellow toenails
  • Thickened toenails
  • Toenails are brittle and flake easily
  • Darkening of the skin beneath the toenails
  • Loose toenails that are separating from the nail bed
  • White patches on the toenails
  • Misshapen toenails

Laser Nail Fungus Removal

It is important to treat toenail fungus promptly. Left untreated, the infection could spread to other areas of the body. Additionally, many types of toenail fungus are contagious and can be spread to other people. Treatment will clear up the fungal infection and help prevent it from spreading.

Laser treatment is one of the most effective ways to treat toenail fungus. The skilled foot doctor at our podiatry office in Valencia, CA, offers laser nail fungus treatment to restore the health of your toenails. Treatment is painless and involves directing a gentle beam of light over the infected nails. The fungi causing the infection absorb heat from the laser, which destroys the fungi and eliminates the infection. There are many advantages to treating toenail fungus with laser treatment, including:

  • The procedure is quick and painless
  • The laser targets fungi at the source
  • FDA-approved for treating nail fungus
  • Stimulates healthy nail growth
  • Does not harm healthy tissue
  • Results are long-lasting
  • Safe and effective

Laser treatment is a safe, effective, and painless way to treat a fungal infection on the toenails. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Avakian to find out if you are a candidate for laser nail fungus treatment by calling Valencia Foot and Ankle Center in Valencia, CA, at (661) 288-2321.


Our Location

27875 Smyth Dr #100, Valencia, CA 91355

Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule

Valencia Foot & Ankle Center


8:00 am-6:00 pm




8:00 am-6:00 pm




8:00 am-6:00 pm



